List of books, PDF, Hardcover, T-Shirts, Compact Disc, Bookmarks

PDF Book

Repursury: How Slavery Evolved into Usury Through Repurchase

HTML Online Sample Chapter

PDF Book

Archetypes in Our Lives: How Ancient Archeytpes Evolved into Modern Lives

(PDF Version)

PDF Book

The Link: The Third Millennium

(PDF Version)

Hard Cover Book

The Link: The Third Millennium

(Hardbook Cover)
Purchase the hardcover version of "The Link" motif, credit card accepted via paypal
Autographed copy upon request.

100% Cotton T-Shirts

The Link: Cotton T-Shirts

(PDF Version)
Cotton T-Shirts for sale with "The Link" motif, credit card accepted via paypal

Compact CD

Hello (您好 - Ni Hao)

(Songs in Compact Disc)

Spiritual Coaching

Spiritual Coaching

Copyrighted yet unpublished music with a reference track chords and lyrics.
Video and audio is provided as a reference track of song and lyrics, it is not meant for broadcast.
Recording artist are welcome to use their own arrangments or contact me for more arrangments.

Unpublished Music

Unpublished Music

Copyrighted yet unpublished music with a reference track chords and lyrics.
Video and audio is provided as a reference track of song and lyrics, it is not meant for broadcast.
Recording artist are welcome to use their own arrangments or contact me for more arrangments.

Public Speaking/Media

Public Speaking, Media Engagements

Contact for Speaking Engagements

Jokes and Observations

TV Commercials (Satire and jokes)

Commercials or jokes written by detached from blog.
The intention of the satire is to show the deceit of major corporations or facts of life not really vetted or undertood.